Displaying Results

The user requests the display of results using the Display menu.

Results are displayed for the time shown in the Time Selector box in the main window. Results for other simulation times can be displayed via the Time Selector controls.

In addition to displaying the target grid during setup, the following items can be displayed:

The laser deposition calculation can be done using the "Standard" grid set up for each target component, or use an Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) grid. When computing the laser intensity distribution using AMR modeling, the target grid is automatically sub-divided at locations hit by the laser beams.


VISRAD monitors which quantities are up to date, and which need to be computed prior to their display. For instance, when the target grid changes, both the view factors and radiosities need to be re-computed prior to the display of any radiosity results (e.g., the incident flux). Similarly, when laser beams are repointed, the power source terms need to be re-computed. Since calculation of reflected laser light requires data on surface-to-surface visibility, view factor calculations are performed prior to reflected laser light calculations.

When the requested quantities need to be updated, the user is presented with a dialog box such as shown below. If Yes is selected, the appropriate calculations are automatically performed, and the requested results are displayed.




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